Talking About Lockout and Key Making

Avoid A Break-In By Keeping Your Spare Key Out Of These Common Hiding Spots

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It’s handy to keep a spare key to your home hidden nearby to save a major hassle if you get locked out for any reason, but it’s important that you’re careful about where you hide the key. If you stick the key in a number of commonly used areas, you’re putting your home — and your family — at risk of a break-in due to an experienced burglar finding the key and gaining entry to the home. Read More»

Great Places Outside To Hide Your Spare House Key

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If you want to make sure that you are never going to have to worry about being locked out of your home, you will want to hide a spare key somewhere in your yard. To help you find the best hiding place for your needs, you will want to review the following suggestions. Inside Of The Dog House Do you have a dog that has a dog house outside? If you currently have a dog house or have access to one, you can use it as a great place to hide your spare house key. Read More»

Four Reasons To Replace Your Home Locks

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You may not have thought much about when it’s important to replace your home locks. Many locksmiths recommend that people replace their locks on a regular basis, but here are some times when it’s very important to get the task done.  When You Move to a New Place Any time you move to a new location, this is a cause for calling in a locksmith. It’s not a good idea to simply trust the judgement of the people before you; they may have had any number of relatives, friends, maintenance workers, or lovers who had access to the keys. Read More»

Summer Day Trips: 4 Ways To Secure Your Home During The Day

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Summer is a great time for day trips. Whether it’s a trip to a beach or a hike, it’s nice to explore your local area and then return home to the comfort of your own bed. Even though you are only gone for the day, it’s important to protect your house when leaving it for hours at a time. By implementing different security features, you can leave home for your day trips knowing that your home is secure and safe. Read More»

The Best Places To Hide A Gun Safe

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A gun safe is designed to prevent a burglar from stealing your gun both by making it difficult to move the gun safe and by also making it difficult to open it. However, if a burglar is not able to find the gun safe in the first place, he or she will be even less likely to steal your guns. In Your Home’s Structure Try placing your gun safe underneath the stairs if you have an opening built into it. Read More»