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Avoid A Break-In By Keeping Your Spare Key Out Of These Common Hiding Spots

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It's handy to keep a spare key to your home hidden nearby to save a major hassle if you get locked out for any reason, but it's important that you're careful about where you hide the key. If you stick the key in a number of commonly used areas, you're putting your home — and your family — at risk of a break-in due to an experienced burglar finding the key and gaining entry to the home. The exact place you hide the key should ideally be original and doesn't have to be near the front door. Whatever you choose, avoid using these all-too-common hiding spots.

Beneath Your "Welcome" Mat

Placing your spare key beneath the "Welcome" mat at the base of your front door is arguably the most cliche place to hide the key. It might seem like a convenient location, but this spot has been used numerous times in movies and TV shows, not to mention countless times by homeowners who are unknowingly increasing the risk of someone gaining entry to their home.

Inside A Fake Rock

Many stores sell fake rocks that contain a hidden compartment for your key. The premise is that you stash the key inside the rock's compartment, close it up and then place the rock in your garden. Although some such rocks are effective at looking fairly realistic, many others are easy to quickly identify as unnatural. Plus, veteran burglars are fully aware of this hiding spot and can quickly scan your garden to identify the fake rock that holds your key.

Above The Doorframe

If you're tall, it can seem tempting to subtly place your house key on top of the doorframe. In this spot, the key won't be visible, you can easily tell yourself. While it's true that the key might not be easily seen, this is still a common hiding place. The average burglar will know to check in places such as above the doorframe, and could quickly find the key. Furthermore, the repeated vibration from shutting the front door count move the key enough that it partially hangs over the frame, making it extremely visible.

Beneath Your Mailbox

It's common for homeowners to superglue a small, strong magnet to their spare house key and affix the key to the bottom of the mailbox. While this location is initially out of sight for anyone standing in front of your home with dubious intentions, it's easily within reach — especially given the fact that this hiding spot isn't exactly original.  

For further assistance, contact a local locksmith, such as The Lock Shop.
