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5 Ways A Card Access Control System Better Protects Sensitive Records

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Whether they are payroll files, digital customer data records, or information about past jobs and products, your company's records need to be protected from an increasingly risky world. And if you're not using a card access control system in your business, you may not be giving them the protection they need. Here are a few ways that such a system contributes to the security of sensitive records. 

1. You Can Know Who Is Where 

One of the biggest advantages that card access control systems have over traditional lock-and-key systems is the record of who uses a lock. If you have any concerns over security, you know exactly which card accessed each door, how long they were there, and who else was around at the time. 

2. You Can Restrict Times

A good access control system is easily customized and adjusted. For instance, perhaps a department uses customer records data during its shift. These workers need access, but only for the eight hours they work. With a traditional key-based system, you would have to go to extra lengths to lock them out during other hours. But you can program key cards to access records areas only on specific days, during specific hours, or even a certain number of times per day. 

3. You Can Secure Computers

Increasingly, paper records are only part of the equation. You must also protect computers and the records they hold. Cyber security is the primary line of defense for computer records, but how secure is the hardware on which you keep the data? Protect servers, mobile devices, computer terminals, and other parts of the system by boosting interior security and reducing access to its location. 

4. You Can Prevent Tailgating

Tailgating — bypassing access control features by following another user through a gate or door — is a problem with all security systems. However, one trick to prevent it is to link a card access system with payroll time-and-attendance. An employee who fails to properly access a door isn't actually clocked in, and their other access may be restricted as a result.

5. You Can Lock Everything Down

Reprogramming a card so that it can't access a secure area is easy. However, you can also create both automatic and manual systems that immediately open or close all access points at once. So if there's a breach of the records area, your system can lock down all doors with one command, or it can facilitate evacuation by opening all doors if there is a fire, flood, or another disaster. 

Where to Start

Could a modern card access control system improve the safety and security of your records? Start by learning more about commercial access control system installation in your area today. Reach out to a local service, such as Mr. Lock, to learn more.
