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Decrease The Liklihood Of Getting Robbed By Understanding Common Burglar Misconceptions

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It's important to keep yourself knowledgeable about how thieves might break into your house in order to keep yourself as safe as possible. Here are a few misconceptions corrected for you so that you can put up a better defense that dissuades burglars from trying to rob you.

All Burglaries Happen at Night

This is actually a pretty terrible time to try and rob a place if you think about it from the burglar's perspective. Any movement outside is going to be noticed, for one thing. People are generally paranoid about people moving around in their backyards at 2 in the morning, so if they are detected at all, even a little bit, this is going to be a major red flag.

Additionally, it actually doesn't make a lot of sense for burglars to try breaking into houses during the one time where it's most likely the owners will be home. Generally, everyone is at home sleeping at night, and if they're home, then you could possibly run into them. It's actually far more common for burglars to attempt to rob houses during the day when people are at work.

Attempts just before dawn when human vision isn't as effective are also common. This means that it's important to not adopt a night-only strategy against burglary.

Locks Can Often Be Picked in Seconds

Movies often depict lock picking as an exercise that occurs in just a few seconds. The best locks make this extraordinarily difficult, though. While it is true that no lock is going to be absolutely foolproof, many locks can make it so difficult and noisy to pick that burglars will think better of it and head to a different house.

This can be especially true when it comes to more modern locking systems such as electronic locks that have to be circumvented only in a way that alerts the system that a break-in has occurred. Additionally, there are also a number of options in modern locking systems that make short cuts like skeleton keys or "bumping" next to impossible.

Since it's not possible to make a lock completely impossible to break, the goal is to make it take long enough that someone could notice what's going on, or that it will be noisy or disruptive enough that the burglar will be revealed. Many locksmiths can help you with this. 

Overall, it's important to think of burglaries from the perspective of a thief. This will help you best prepare your house to thwart them. To learn more, visit a website like
